Huge Congratulations to our Anti-Vaping Billboard Contest Winner: Alyssa Nelson!!
See her design up in Black River Falls right next to Culvers off of WI-54
Substance Misuse Prevention
Risky youth behaviors are often the start of a lifelong battle with substance misuse. We aim to connect with youth before bad habits or addictions are formed, such as vaping or alcohol use. We want to empower youth to resist the pressures around them, to make healthy choices for their future.
Together for Jackson County Kids
Jackson County Public Health provides leadership for the Together For Jackson County Kids Coalition, a community-wide partnership of youth-serving organizations that are committed to enhancing community wellness by promoting positive values and choices.
A main focus of the coalition is youth substance use prevention. Learn more about Together For Jackson County Kids here: or on the Together For Jackson County Kids Facebook page.
Catch My Breath Vaping Prevention
Jackson County Public Health partners with local schools to deliver the CATCH® My Breath program to students. The CATCH® My Breath is the only evidence-based youth nicotine prevention program designed for grades 5-12 that has been proven to reduce students’ likelihood of vaping.
The CATCH® My Breath Program empowers students with the knowledge and the skills needed to make informed decisions about e-cigarettes and resist the social pressure to vape.
CATCH My Breath In Action
More Resources